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Mr. Bikash Gautam

The youngest son of Ram Bahadur Gautam, Bikash Gautam is no less enthusiastic and passionate about business than his Father and elder brother. He too grew up witnessing his father’s effort and assisting him in the business. Be it going on a site with his father to even burning the midnight oil for works, he found everything about business interesting and enjoying. The great team work and co-ordination between father and sons, Bikash Gautam is generally assigned in charge of Site supervision who makes sure all the employees, Local bodies are not having any inconvenience in the site and projects are going on smoothly . With the great outgoing nature, analytical skills and problem solving attitude, Gautam’s efforts in sites never goes wasted and the overall project completion is always completed smoothly without having to compromising the quality of work leading to greater success in company and beyond. The fearless and courageous attitude of Bikash Gautam has helped the company complete the most difficult projects despite of so many complications within time and without having to compromise the quality of the work.
Email Address
Phone Number
Kathmandu, Nepal
Professional Skills

Completely evisculate stand alone expertise through revolutionary strategic are theme areas fashion impactful paradigms for process centric relationships with whiteboard seamless intellectual capital with methods.

Product Design

Growth Analysis

Brand Management


Technical Experience

Completely evisculate stand alone expertise through revolutionary strategic are theme areas fashion impactful paradigms for process centric relationships with whiteboard seamless intellectual capital with methods.

Business Expert

2016 - Present (Finbiz)


Finance Manager

2014 - Present (Finbiz)


Junior Technician

2016 - Present (Finbiz)


Junior Architect

2016 - Present (Finbiz)

Our Services

What We Offer

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Dui lobortis scelerisque magna curabitur duis purus platea massa accumsan

Dui lobortis scelerisque magna curabitur duis purus platea massa accumsan